A new phrase is going around campus: The Order of Prometheus. Many students have not even heard this exotic-sounding phrase; and to many who have heard it, the meaning of it is unknown. The explanation of the words is simple, but very significant for Potsdam State: it is the name of a new social fraternity that has come into being at this college. The Order of Prometheus was recognized by Inter-Fraternity Council and Senate last week, and was thereby granted the status of an official fraternity.
This recognition was the culmination of the efforts of originally twelve close friends who lived in one floor of Van Housen. Because of the feeling generated in this group, they felt that it would be worthwhile to attempt to transform this friendship into a brotherhood. This attempt to form a fraternity began with an inquiry into the response of the rest of the campus to such an action. As a result of opinions expressed by State men who attended an interest meeting last semester concerning a new fraternity, and interest that was found in the administration, the group of 12 felt justified in going ahead with their plans.
Because this "core group" realized that they could not achieve such a tremendous task without additional aid, they expanded their number, and sought out the help of the established fraternities on this campus and on other State campuses. One fraternity showed special interest in the movement,
The Order of Prometheus at Geneseo. As a result, the core group decided to affiliate with this fraternity to adopt its name and constitution. And so, with the acheivement of these main needs of a functioning fraternity, the group felt ready to petition IFC and senate this semester. And IFC and Senate were apparently ready for the Order. After the presentation of its ideals and its Constitution to these two bodies, it was accepted by both.
The Order of Prometheus consists of twenty-six charter members. The officers are President: Dann Leete, Vice-President: Neil Miller, Treasurer: Mark Smith, Recording Secretary: Bob Paquette, Corresponding Secretary: Larry Dunning. As a new fraternal order, it is presently seeking to acheive two ends: transition from unofficial to official status, and realization of the ideals which engendered it. In order to fulfill its first goal, the Order is attempting to function as a social fraternity as fully as possible (wearing jackets, participating in and initiating social functions, etc.) and in order to fulfill the second goal, it is attempting to put its ideals into practice: close cooperation with the college and community, actions and policies which reflect the fraternal image of constructiveness and dignity, and an augmentation of the choise for those State men who desire to go Greek.