The Latest News about Theta Omega Phi
February 12, 2000
- Bid Night Spring 2000 is held. Congrats to the nine pledges.
February 7, 2000
- Geoff Mackey resigned from the Presidency. Jake Moser becomes the new President.
October 2, 1999
- 31st anniversary of Prometheus, and also the Fall 1999 Bidnight.
September 5, 1999
- First regular meeting of the Fall 1999 semester is held. Geoff Mackey is voted in as APM and Jeremiah Yartym is voted in as Social Chairman.
September 2, 1999
- First meeting, and first emergency business meeting, of the Fall 1999 semester is held at 8pm.
May 9, 1999
- Final Meeting (11th) of the semester is held. Brothers David Barnaba, Doug Backus, Rich Terrillion, Tim Chatfield, Jay Palmer, Chris Murphy, and Dave Harris officially become Alumni. Later in the evening, Jessica Warnick is sweethearted to the Order of Prometheus. Have a great summer!
May 2, 1999
- 7 Brothers walk-out and become Alumni. David Barnaba, Tim Chatfield, Dave Harris, Chris Murphy, Jay Palmer, Rich Terrillion, and Doug Backus.
April 25, 1999
- The Brothers hold their 10th meeting of the semester at 1:30pm. Elections for the Fall 1999 semester are held.
April 23-25, 1999
- Alumni Weekend Spring 1999. Good to see Alumni Jeremy Manning, Ken Bousman, Chuck Rocca, Jeremy Belair, and Kevin Parucki.
April 18, 1999
- The Brothers hold their 9th meeting of the semester at 9pm. Nominations for the Fall 1999 semester are held.
April 5, 1999
- The Spring 1999 Pledge class is inducted this evening. Congratulations gents!
April 1, 1999
- EBM is held to vote on the Sp. 99 pledge class as whole to see if they should be inducted. Prometheus votes "yes".
March 28, 1999
- The Brothers hold their 8th meeting of the semester at 1:30pm. Jeremiah Yartym receives his second nickname, "Jerry".
March 21, 1999
- The Brothers hold their 7th meeting of the semester at 1:30pm. Doug Backus is inducted as the new Assistant Treasurer.
March 16 & 17, 1999
- Brother Mark Zizolfo directs his great three-act play, The Need to Remember, the Want to Forget at Hurley's to rave reviews!
March 14, 1999
- After a long break, the brothers hold their 6th meeting of the semester at 1:30pm. Ben Young is inducted as the new President and Doug Backus is elected the new Assistant Treasurer.
March 9, 1999
- A very successful Blood Drive is held today helped by the Order of Prometheus.
February 21, 1999
- The brothers hold their 5th meeting of the semester at 1:30pm. Ben Young is elected the new Spring 1999 President.
February 20, 1999
- Bidnight for Spring 1999 is held! It was a great time. Congrats and welcome to our 8 pledges (will eventually be 7).
February 19, 1999
- The brothers hold the first EBM of the semester at 6pm. Welcome all Alumni for bidnight: Andy Hurd, Scott Rizzo, Pete Galloway, Don Grooms, Jeremy Belair, Will Larose, Jeremy Manning, and Mike Paestella
February 14, 1999
- The brothers hold their 4th meeting of the semester at 1:30pm. Afterwards, the brotherhood engaged in football at Maxcy with the rushes.
February 13, 1999
- The brothers are invited to celebrate bid night for the sororities with the Phi Kappa Pi girls.
February 10, 1999
- The second of two rush dates for the semester. A table is set up in the union. The smoker is held that evening at 7pm, and afterwards a function is held with Delta Lambda Nu.
February 7, 1999
- The brothers hold their third business meeting of the semester at 1:30pm.
February 6, 1999
- The brothers have a function at Allens Falls with the Gamma Sigma Sigma girls.
February 5, 1999
- The brother attend function at the Phi Kappa Pi Sorority.
February 4, 1999
- The first of two rush dates for the semester. Table is set up in the Union from 10am-3pm.
January 31, 1999
- The brothers hold their second business meeting of the semester at 1:30pm. There is a Super Bowl party after the meeting.
January 24, 1999
- The brothers hold their first business meeting of the semester at 1:30pm. That evening, there is a function at the Phi Kappa Pi sorority.
July 10-12, 1998
- 30th Alumni Weekend at Potsdam. Many Alumni were in attendance, and a fun time was had by all.
Copyright © 1995-1999 Theta Omega Phi Inc.