The Latest News for Theta Omega Phi On-line
-At the moment this page is inactive, and will not continue to be updated. It will remain up here for historic purposes.
January 26, 1999
- After a huge break from the site, Active Brother Ben Young has joined forces with me to make this page the best it can be...huge changes will be occuring, so stay tuned!
December 5, 1998
- I am getting ready to work on the page again next sememster. There will be many changes and it will stay very current. I look forward to the changes. It should be exciting!
September 19, 1998
- Well, I'm back after a nice vacation from the page. Everything is good up here in Potsdam, where I am visiting for the weekend. Prometheus seems to be burning strong after a nice long summer. I have been working on the page and hope to finish the smith line sometime this weekend, and probably also finish the howe line. That's it for now!
August 27, 1998
- Getting prepared to head up north. I'm really trying to get these pages completely functioning. I'm also trying to add some more life to the page. This really has been a blast this summer. 5 more days!
August 19, 1998
- Began work on all of the active family trees: House, Howe, Smith, and Zenger. I have completed Howe to the best of my ability. Please help me by
sending any additions you might have! Thank you.
August 8, 1998
- Was able to put up the latest changes up tonight. Additions to the Family Trees section. Sorry for the delay, there was a problem with one of the
Potsdam servers and I was unable to put any of my changes on the web this week. Hope you enjoy the family trees section. It is, of course,
far from complete.
July 31, 1998
- I decided that tonight would be a good night to do some extensive research on the family trees of the fraternity. So please check back
with the trees section frequently, I'm feeling ambitious. :)
July 19, 1998
- Added the logo today on top of the page. This was kindly donated by great brother Kevin Parucki("Rooks")-Fall '97.
July 14, 1998
- Added the honorary address list today. This was kindly compiled by our advisor, Keith Compeau.
July 10, 1998
- Did some work while up in Potsdam. Mainly organization.
June 21, 1998
- Boy, did I ever take a break! Anyway, there is now a secured section to the page, just as long as no one bookmarks it on a public computer. The addresses are now and there as is the summer list.
June 9, 1998
- Added crest to the front, kindly scanned in by Keith Compeau and Rich Terrillion.
June 7, 1998
- After finishing the front page for now, I am looking into how to get a security page up and running. More soon.
June 2, 1998
- Added two pictures to the front page and two to the actives page. I think it makes the page look a lot better.
June 1, 1998
- Starting to understand how the FTP program down here works, and etc. I tried working with pictures, but am having no luck thus far. I am working on changing the front page look today.
May 25, 1998
- Back after a couple of days off. Addresses are complete. I am now in my summer home in South Carolina. I will be experimenting with the best way to work on the page. Many changes will be occuring within the next couple of weeks.
May 22, 1998
- Finished addresses. Just in time for the end of the semester.
May 21, 1998
Just about done with addresses. Will complete tomorrow(finally!)
May 20, 1998
Day off. Finals must really be catching up with me or something. :)
May 19, 1998
Began Addresses M-R.
May 18, 1998
Took day off for finals.
May 17, 1998
Added a security section and a link to it in every section. This will eventually hold the addresses and other fraternity security-related items.
May 16, 1998
Finished the addresses from G-L today. Halfway done! Now A-L is complete. Email me if you would like to see them. Later in the day, I finshed the pledge classes. They are now all in here.
May 15, 1998
Too busy watching all the Seinfeld hype to work much. Starting to get research ready to put Pledge classes on the page. Added some more addresses G-L.
May 14, 1998
Added some changes in the A-F addresses for lost addresses. Also added some fraternity news.
May 13, 1998
Not much today. Added a couple of addresses to the huge project: the address page. BTW, email me or check the discussion page on Roger Pray's page for the password for the addresses. That's about it!! :)
May 12, 1998
I made the addresses a secret today, or atleast slightly a secret. This is to secure the publishing of addresses until I get a password. Also, thank you to the people that have already sent corrections. This makes the pages better for everyone. Thanks again. Also added links to all the pages. They should all be linked to each other now. Finished up the pledge classes from 1995-to the present.
May 11, 1998
Added more addresses to G-L. Added information about each of the actives. Plan to paste a picture next to each name eventually. Created a main page for all the news and events. I think this is the best way for this.
May 10, 1998
Continued to try to link all the pages together. Just a makeshift link, will work more on it in the summer. Added a counter. I think I like it. There is one on the addresses page on one on the front page. There is a statistical one on the front page and on the addresses page. Added a guestbook at the bottom of the main page.
May 9, 1998
Finished the Past Offices page. Put some updates on the address A-F page. Switched these dates so that I add from bottom to top, not top to bottom. Also starting adding relative page links. And added a news main page to link the two together.
May 8, 1998
Finished the Addresses from A-F, completing the first of four pages. Trying to come up with best system for linking the page together.
May 7, 1998
Gave the news and addresses sections their own respectable directories. Added a News about the homepage page.
May 6, 1998
Added more addresses.
May 5, 1998
Added New Pledge class. Added a last updated section on each page. Added new officers.
May 4, 1998
Added more addresses on the Alumni page.
April 30, 1998
Progress continued as I added some links along the relative path(within the page).
April 29, 1998
Began basic work on the page today. Started to come up with backgrounds and what will be included.
Copyright © 1995-1999 Theta Omega Phi Inc.